Analyze * Anticipate * Accelerate
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Highly skilled systems analysts will reduce total project costs by 30%
and decrease timeline and quality risks.
We outline a five step process
  1. Acknowledge the 80/20 rule in early discussions.
  2. Quantify and Prioritize.
  3. Document requirements.
  4. Design and Schedule.
  5. Anticipate excellence.

1. The first part of systems analysis identifies the project requirements. The Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) holds that solving 20% of the defined problems will get 80% of the benefit.

Identifying that essential 20% is the objective of early requirements analysis. It starts with you, and an outside analyst brings organization and independent perspective to the process.

  • Listen for opportunities to serve your customers better.
  • Value your company's successes and strengths.
  • Brainstorm possibilities regularly with your employees and managers.
2. Quantify and Prioritize. Based on rough estimates of costs and benefits, choose what will be achieved in Phase I and what will wait for later.

3. We write requirements specifications knowing that completeness is the least cost path to success. A good requirements document is

Unambiguous, Verifiable, and Complete
Write a document that everyone can use: designers, developers, and testers. TBD items must identify a responsible party and a due-date in a planned timeline. Answering questions early avoids later delays and costs.

Refer to other documents and sections instead of repeating them, and resolve conflicting requirements by discussion in the requirements phase.

Modifiable and Traceable
As much as possible, write requirements not design. (Only design analysts should write designs.) After the document is approved, clearly identify and communicate revisions and clarifications during later stages.

4. Design and Schedule This part of systems analysis

  • plans the adaptations of existing systems
  • budgets resources
  • sets a timeline with intermediate milestones.

5. Anticipate Excellence This is an essential habit of all top-tier companies and projects. A good analyst will understand how to organize projects for the future and establish a platform for Phase II. Read more...

Founded 1993    —    Incorporated 2012
Saylorsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania
Voice: 570-992-8824 — E-mail
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