Reusable Librock > Execution > Data structures (In memory) >

Data structures (In memory)

Data structures in memory. Queues, lists, graphs, trees, etc.
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Text-based, GUI, Audio, Video, Keyboards, Mouse, Images,...

Text Strings
Conversions, tests, processing, manipulation,...

Integer, Floating point, Matrix, Statistics, Boolean, ...

Algorithms, Memory, Process control, Debugging, ...

Stored Data
Data storage, Integrity, Encryption, Compression, ...

Networks, protocols, Interprocess, Remote, Client Server, ...

Hard World
Timing, Calendar and Clock, Audio, Video, Printer, Controls...

File System
Management, Filtering, File & Directory access, Viewers, ...

Subject Divisions (Reusable Librock)  

#Overviews and other related subjects# - related, but not under or including this subject directly.

Libraries and Components: Showing  
Adding the "librock_" prefix is just the start of standardizing the highest quality, freely reusable, open source code from all over the web. Use these links to get docs and source code for wide reuse on gcc/MSVC/Windows/Linux/BSD/more. Get explanations of librock standardization, updates, and support at

librock_VSBalloc - create librock variable-sized contiguous buffer (librock_VSB)

librock_VSBallocXA - create librock_VSB for externally allocated buffer
librock_VSBalloccpy - create librock_VSB and preload
librock_VSBrealloc - decrease or expand a librock_VSB
librock_VSBsz - Ensure '\0' follows the buffer, and return pointer to buffer.
librock_VSBfree - deallocate storage associated with a librock_VSB

librock_VSBtextrep - replace substrings within a librock_VSB

librock_VSBDeleteAtPtr - remove section of buffer starting at pointer

librock_VSBInsertAtPtr - insert section of buffer starting at pointer

librock_VSBDelete - remove a section from a librock_VSB buffer

librock_VSBClear - empty a librock_VSB buffer
librock_VSBSetLength - sets the count of bytes in the librock_VSB buffer

librock_VSBInsert - make room and copy a block into a librock_VSB buffer

librock_VSBAppend - append a block onto the end of a librock_VSB buffer

librock_VSBWriteDisable - Mark a librock_VSB as read-only

librock_VSBWriteEnable - Ensure a librock_VSB is writable
librock_VSBSetXA - Use an externally allocated buffer

librock_VSBreadfile - Read the contents of a file into a librock_VSB.

librock_FSILnew - Create a fixed-size item list (FSIL). Integer indexed storage for fixed-size items.

librock_FSILdelete - Deallocate all memory used by an FSIL.
librock_FSILpoint - Return a temporary pointer to an indexed item.
librock_FSILinsertAt - Insert an item at index, or end of list.
librock_FSILinsertcopyAt - Insert and initialize an item at index, or end of list.
librock_FSILdeleteAt - Delete an item at index
librock_FSILitemcount - Return number of items in an librock_FSIL. lists additional items in this subject
applications and utilities (including links to open source code)
libraries and functions (including links to open source code)
man pages (*BSD, RedHat, more, with links to open source code)
Q&A (including programmer FAQs)
books (at Amazon, B&N, and info (including FAQs, HOW-TOs, IEEE articles)

Related Subjects (Reusable Librock)  

See also: Persistent data storage, databases - (data files, databases)

Up to Execution

Subject divisions directly under this one are #here#.

( lists additional items in this subject here)

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Copyright 2002, Forrest J. Cavalier III. d-b-a Mib Software, Saylorsburg PA 18353, USA
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