/* $Log: osd.lh,v $ Revision 1.6 2002/04/19 14:39:40 forrest@mibsoftware.com rights=#1 Change hashcodes. Use SHS1 instead of MD5. Revision 1.5 2002/04/02 22:23:13 forrest@mibsoftware.com rights=#1 Added english sentences to ct() strings. Revision 1.4 2002/03/26 20:32:21 forrest@mibsoftware.com rights=#1 Updated tags Revision 1.3 2002/03/19 16:52:01 forrest@mibsoftware.com rights=#1 Fix MD5. rights#1 Copyright (c) Forrest J Cavalier III d-b-a Mib Software rights#1 License text in librock_LIDESC_HC=12440211096131f5976d36be0cddca4cd9152e45 */ #ifndef librock_LIDESC_osd #define librock_LIDESC_TV_osd "The Open Source Definition\tVersion 1.8" /* OSD is not a license, but the COMBINE string is used to report compatibility. */ /* librock_ACQUIRED 2001-11-27 http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html */ #define librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_osd "librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_osd \ ~librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_OSD_FAIL (OSD specifically stated this license is not approved)\ ~librock_R_0 (2)\ ~librock_DM_0 (2, 3, 4)\ ~librock_DERIV_0 (3)\ ~librock_USE_NCOMM (6) \ ~librock_USE_EDU (6) \ ~librock_USE_FIELD (6) \ ~librock_R_TIED (8)\ ~librock_USE_DISCRIM (6)\ ~librock_R_NOFEE (1)\ ~librock_R_3FEE (1,7)" // ?~librock_USE_C_SHAREWARE \ #define librock_LIDESC_CHECKEDTAGS_osd "librock_LIDESC_CHECKEDTAGS_osd \ ct(librock_R_0) (Redistribution is not allowed.) \ ct(librock_R_3FEE) (In some or all cases, redistribution requires a fee paid to a specific party, such as the original copyright holder. ) \ ct(librock_R_NOFEE) (The license requires that there be no fee.) \ ct(librock_R_FEELIMIT) (The license requires copying fees must be "limited", "reasonable" or "at cost". ) \ ct(librock_R_PATGRANT) (Redistribution of the original work must include a royalty-free grant of patent license. ) \ ct(librock_R_3NOTE) (In some or all cases, if you redistribute the original work, you must give notice to a specified party (such as the original developer.) ) \ ct(librock_PUBNOTE_1) (In some or all cases, if you redistribute the original work, you must give notice to the public. ) \ ct(librock_R_TIED) (Redistribution required or prohibited with certain other items or types of items. ) \ ct(librock_R_C) (Redistribution of the original work conditionally allowed.) \ ct(librock_R_1C_WITHBIN) (Redistribution of the original work required to those to whom you give a binary. ) \ ct(librock_R_1C) (Redistribution of the original work required in some cases. ) \ ct(librock_R_1) (Redistribution of the original work required in all cases. ) \ ct(librock_SRCNOTE_1) (Notices must remain in source code. (This is almost always required)) \ ct(librock_RUNNOTE_1C) (A notice must be included at run time in some cases. For example the GPL requires a run-time notice to be printed if the program accepts commands interactively.) \ ct(librock_RUNNOTE_1) (A notice must be included at run time always.) \ ct(librock_BINNOTE_1) (A notice must be included in binary/executable versions.) \ ct(librock_DOCNOTE_1C_WITHBIN) (A notice must be included in documentation or other materials when a binary is distributed.) \ ct(librock_DOCNOTE_1) (A notice must be included with documentation and other materials. ) \ ct(librock_ADVNOTE_1) (A notice must be included in any advertising. ) \ ct(librock_ADVNOTE_1C_MENTF) (A notice must be included in any advertising mentioning features or use. ) \ ct(librock_ADVNOTE_1C) (A notice must be included in any advertising in some cases.) \ ct(librock_DERIV_0) (You may not create derivative works. ) \ ct(librock_DM_0) (You may not create modified source. ) \ ct(librock_MSRC_3NOTE) (If you create derivative works, you MUST notify a specific party, such as the original developer. ) \ ct(librock_MSRC_PUBNOTE) (If you create derivative works, you MUST notify the public. ) \ ct(librock_DERIV_C) (You may create derivative works in some cases. ) \ ct(librock_DM_MODNOTE) (If you distribute modified works, modified files MUST be clearly marked, and/or have a clear notice of changes (who, what, when, etc.) ) \ ct(librock_DM_RENAMED) (If you distribute modified sources, modified files MUST be renamed. [may not be FSF free, may not be GPL compat.]) \ ct(librock_DM_CLEANNAME) (As a condition of license, the name of modified works may not contain (nor be based on) the name of the original and/or the original name may not be used to endorse or promote derivatives. ) \ ct(librock_DM_PATCHES) (If you distribute modifications, they MUST be patches. ) \ ct(librock_DM_C) (Redistribution of modifications allowed in some cases.) \ ct(librock_DM_3NOTE) (If you distribute derivative works, you MUST notify a specific party, such as the original developer. ) \ ct(librock_DM_PUBNOTE) (If you distribute derivative works, you MUST notify the public. ) \ ct(librock_DM_1C_WITHBIN) (The modified sources must be available to those who receive object or executable versions from you. (The GPL includes this condition.)) \ ct(librock_3MSRC_1) (If you create derivative works at all, you must make the sources available to a specific party, such as the original developer.) \ ct(librock_3MSRC_1C_DEPLOY) (If you deploy derivative works (internal use which is not for research and development purposes), you must make the sources available to a specific party, such as the original developer.) \ ct(librock_DM_3MSRC) (If you distribute modifications, you must make the sources available to a specific party, such as the original developer ) \ ct(librock_3MSRC_1C) (If you create derivative works, you must make the sources available to a specific party, such as the original developer, in some cases. ) \ ct(librock_DM_PATGRANT) (Redistribution of modifications must include a royalty-free grant of patent license for the software. ) \ ct(librock_DERIV_DIFFLIC_0) (Derivative works must keep the same license, or provide 'same conditions and terms' to anyone receiving a copy.) \ ct(librock_DM_3MSRCDIFFLIC) (The original developer or a third-party must be given the right to license derivative works under different or more restrictive terms. ) \ ct(librock_DM_1C) (Redistribution of modifications required in some cases.) \ ct(librock_USE_3NOTE) (Notice to a third party required on use. ) \ ct(librock_USE_EDU) (Use is allowed in an educational or academic environment only) \ ct(librock_USE_NCOMM) (Commercial use is restricted. E.g. Only non-commercial use allowed, or commercial users have to do something different. ) \ ct(librock_USE_DISCRIM) (The license discriminates against a person or group of persons identified using criteria other than license compliance/non-compliance. ) \ ct(librock_USE_SHAREWARE) (The item is shareware. Use without payment temporarily only. [probably OSD conflict]) \ ct(librock_USE_FIELD) (Use is restricted or allowed in certain fields of endeavor only. ) \ ct(librock_RIGHTS_TEMP) (For those who do nothing to breach the license, are distribution, use, or other rights revocable, or temporary (For example: time-limited or based on continued existence or non-existence of approval, relationship, law, entity, intellectual property litigation brought by others, etc.) [probably OSD conflict]) \ ct(librock_RIGHTS_PATSUIT_0) (Your rights are terminated if you initiate patent infringement proceedings against any copyright holder. ) \ ct(librock_USE_C) (Other certain restrictions on use or outputs. [probably not FSF free, probably not GPL compat.]) \ ct(librock_RIGHTS_CHOICELAW) (The license includes a choice-of-law clause.. ) \ ct(librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_FSF_OK) (The Free Software Foundation says this license is a Free software license.) \ ct(librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_FSF_FAIL) (The Free Software Foundation says this license is not a Free software license.) \ ct(librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_GPL_OK) (The Free Software Foundation says this license is GPL compatible.) \ ct(librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_GPL_FAIL) (The Free Software Foundation says this license is not GPL compatible.) \ ct(librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_OSD_OK) (The Open Source Initiative approved this license as OSD compliant.) \ ct(librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_OSD_FAIL) (The Open Source Initiative says this license is not OSD compliant.) \ " #define librock_LIDESC_osd librock_LIDESC_just_a_definition #define librock_LIDESC_HC_osd "1fc80bb1613d8d243b33140a1825a20b5ee767d0" #endif