The symbol librock_DM_CLEANNAME has the following meaning(s) in the Librock License Awareness System

As a condition of license, the name of modified works may not contain (nor be based on) the name of the original and/or the original name may not be used to endorse or promote derivatives.

Compatibility/Conflicts based on this symbol

WARNING: It is folly to assume that a simple program like this can do anything more than find and report some of the biggest problems, while leaving others undetected. This system does not match the educated human intelligence required to interpret and apply licenses. On the other hand, it can be useful to identify some license clauses which deserve extra scrutiny.

This symbol has no recorded conflicts with the Open Source Initiative's Open Source Definition.

This symbol has no recorded conflicts with the Free Software Foundation's definition of Free software.

GPL: CONFLICT. Based on this symbol, the license is not GPL-compatible. You may not distribute derivative works covered by the GPL and this license.
GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991 (6. FSF says Apache1.1 not compat, OpenLDAP 2.3 not compat)

This symbol has no recorded conflicts with closed source licensing.

Example Licenses

Some licenses with the symbol in their TAGS string, (with section identifier or notes) are:

Apache Software License Version 1.1 (4,5)
OpenLDAP Public License Version 2.3 (4,5)
Sun Community Source License (Research Use) Version 2.3 Feb 23, 1999 (3.e.iv)