Librock LIDESC

Software License Analyzer and Compatibility Reporter

Copyright 2001, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software Email:

Based on answers to questionairre below, LIDESC, the Librock License Awareness software, will report some known incompatibilities and conflicts. This version checks for conflicts with the GPL, the FSF definition of Free Software, the Open Source Definition, and closed-source licensing. The report generated also includes lists of previously analyzed example licenses which have similar clauses.

Clicking on the examples link under each symbolic tag will give more details about compatibility, as well as a list of currently catalogged licenses with the same symbolic tag. Please let us know of any errors or omissions. We are especially looking for example licenses for tags that have no examples.

WARNING: A simple program like this does nothing more than find and report some of the biggest problems, while leaving others undetected. This system does not match the educated human intelligence required to interpret and apply licenses. On the other hand, it can be useful to identify some license clauses which deserve extra scrutiny.

Skip right to the form.

Source of Interpretations

The system notes conflicts and compatibility when appropriate. There are a number of sources of these interpretations. The FSF publishes discussion and evaluations of licenses. The OSI maintains a mailing list where OSD conflicts are discussed. Although there is no established definition of "closed-source compatible," for combination purposes here, a license is "closed-source compatible" if
1. the developer is never required to disclose source.
2. the developer can require a fee is paid for every redistribution.
3. the developer is not compelled to grant patents or different license terms to anyone.

Intended Purpose

We make part of the system public in the hopes it can serve developers, legal professionals, and researchers, in a number of ways:
As a license selector. A software developer can choose which license attributes are important for a given project, and then get a list of already existing licenses with some or all of those attributes. The developer will get a good idea if such a license is GPL compatible, or conflicts with the OSD or the FSF's idea of Free software.

The report is a good starting point for further study and consideration of their choices, or selection of an existing license or phrasing to use.

As an index of types of license clauses. The example license pages which are linked below and in the report, provide a way to quickly identify licenses containing particular clauses. There is a large body of past discussion of license terms and implications, and some case law. Given a license name, that existing commentary can be located elsewhere, or experts can more easily be consulted. (The pages below do link to a copy of the license text.)

As an issues awareness tool Those unfamiliar with the conditions of Free and Open Source software licensing can use this page to quickly identify problem clauses in a license, before submitting a license for approval for example.

As a starting point for further study. The symbolic tags are a start of a more formal way of classifying software licenses. This permits better communication when discussing licenses, and when identifing the similarities, differences, and compatibilities between the Open Source Definition, the Free Software Foundation's definition of Free Software, and the GPL. Better study using this tool may lead to revisions or adaptations of the above. It is possible to study how many of the already analyzed licenses would be affected by a change in one of the definitions for example.

Additional features available in Librock LIDESC

This software is part of a license compatibility and awareness system built into an upcoming release of librock. Librock is a collection of Free and open-source software from many authors, adapted for high-reusability and license awareness. LIDESC is an integral part of enabling professional software developers to easily work with software having a multitude of licenses.

Some features are not relevant here. For example, the abilities to identify all licenses which cover a combined work (optionally reporting incompatibilities), reject licenses as locally unacceptable, define other license attributes, and to incorporate the results of human analysis (instead of relying on symbolic tags) are provided as part of the full system, but are not useful here.

License Title and Text

Note: This section is optional. The data from this part of the form will go into a LIDESC license description file. By filling out this section, you will be adding additional license analysis to our database, which will expand the list of example licenses available here. You may leave this section blank and still use the checkboxes below.

Your email address: (in case we have questions about your stored submission. It will not be published or used in any other manner.)

Name of the license: Version:
URL of the license text:

Copy license text here, and mark all applicable checkboxes below.

When a checkbox is checked, you should provide a section number or other comment in the provided space. That way, when conflicts are reported, specific sections can be referenced.

Part 1. Copying and Redistribution.

Does the license require or restrict the redistribution of the original unmodified work?
Redistribution is not allowed. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_SRC_0)
Source code is not supplied. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_SRC_0)
Redistribution Fees and Conditions
In some or all cases, redistribution requires a fee paid to copyright holder or third party. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_FEE_1)
The license requires that there be no fee. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict, not closed-source compat] (librock_FEE_0)
The license requires copying fees must be "limited", "reasonable" or "at cost". [not FSF free, not GPL compat., not closed-source compat. ] (librock_COPYFEE_LIMITED)
Redistribution of the original work must include a royalty-free grant of patent license. [not GPL compat., not closed-source compat.] (librock_SRC_C_PATGRANT)
In some or all cases, if you redistribute the original work, you must give notice to a specified party (such as the original developer.) [not FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_3NOTE_1)
In some or all cases, if you redistribute the original work, you must give notice to the public. [not FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_PUBNOTE_1)
Redistribution required or prohibited with certain other items or types of items. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_SRC_C_TIED)
Redistribution of the original work allowed under other certain conditions. (librock_SRC_C)
Required Redistribution
Redistribution of the original work required to those to whom you give a binary. [ not closed-source compat.] (librock_SRC_1C_WITHBIN)
Redistribution of the original work required under other certain conditions. [ not closed-source compat.] (librock_SRC_1C)
Redistribution of the original work required in all cases. [ not closed-source compat.] (librock_SRC_1)

Part 2. Notices included with copies.

If the license allows redistribution, does it require inclusion of notices such as copyright notices, license text, and warranty disclaimers. (Almost all licenses require one or more of these.)
Notices must remain in source code. (This is almost always required) (librock_SRCNOTE_1)
A notice must be included at run time under certain conditions. For example the GPL requires a run-time notice to be printed if the program accepts commands interactively. (librock_RUNNOTE_1C)
A notice must be included at run time always. (librock_RUNNOTE_1)
A notice must be included in binary/executable versions. (librock_BINNOTE_1)
A notice must be included in documentation or other materials when a binary is distributed. (librock_DOCNOTE_1C_WITHBIN)
A notice must be included with documentation and other materials. (librock_DOCNOTE_1)
A notice must be included in any advertising. [not GPL compat.] (librock_ADVNOTE_1)
A notice must be included in any advertising mentioning features or use. [not GPL compat.] (librock_ADVNOTE_1C_MENTF)
A notice must be included in any advertising under other certain conditions. (librock_ADVNOTE_1C)

Part 3. Creating Derivative Works.

Does the license require or restrict the creation or distribution of derivative works (modified source code, executable or object versions, other)?
You may not create derivative works. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_DERIV_0)
You may not create modified source. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_MSRC_0)
If you create derivative works, you MUST notify a specific party, such as the original developer. [not FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_3NOTE_1C_MSRC)
If you create derivative works, you MUST notify the public. [not FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_PUBNOTE_1C_MSRC)
You may create derivative works under other certain conditions. (librock_DERIV_C)
See also Part 5.

Part 4. Distributing Derivative Works

Does the license require or restrict the distribution of modified versions?
You may not distribute derivative works. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_MSRC_0)
If you distribute modified works, modified files MUST be clearly marked, and/or have a clear notice of changes (who, what, when, etc.) (librock_MSRC_C_MODNOTE)
If you distribute modified sources, modified files MUST be renamed. [may not be FSF free, may not be GPL compat.] (librock_MSRC_C_RENAMED)
As a condition of license, the name of modified works may not contain (nor be based on) the name of the original and/or the original name may not be used to endorse or promote derivatives. [not GPL compat.] (librock_DERIV_C_CLEANNAME)
If you distribute modifications, they MUST be patches. [may not be FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_MSRC_C_PATCHES)
Redistribution required or prohibited with certain other items or types of items. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_SRC_C_TIED)
Redistribution of modifications allowed under other certain conditions. (librock_MSRC_C)
If you distribute derivative works, you MUST notify a specific party, such as the original developer. [not FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_3NOTE_1C_MSRC_DIST)
If you distribute derivative works, you MUST notify the public. [not FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_PUBNOTE_1C_MSRC_DIST)
See also Part 5.

Part 5. Required grants and redistribution of sources of modified works.

(Sources means the preferred form that you used to create a modified work, including makefiles and similar.)
The modified sources must be available to those who receive object or executable versions from you. (The GPL includes this condition.) (librock_MSRC_1C_WITHBIN)
If you create derivative works at all, you must make the sources available to the original developer, a third party, or the public. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., not closed-source compat.] (librock_3MSRC_1)
If you deploy derivative works (internal use which is not for research and development purposes), you must make the sources available to the original developer, a third party, or the public.. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., not closed-source compat.] (librock_3MSRC_1C_DEPLOY)
If you distribute modifications, you must make the sources available to the original developer, a third party, or the public. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., not closed-source compat.] (librock_3MSRC_1C_DIST)
If you create derivative works, you must make the sources available to the original developer, a third party, or the public under other certain conditions. [probably not FSF free, not GPL compat., not closed-source compat.] (librock_3MSRC_1C)
Redistribution of modifications must include a royalty-free grant of patent license for the software. [not GPL compat.] (librock_MSRC_C_PATGRANT)
Derivative works must keep the same license, or provide 'same conditions and terms' to anyone receiving a copy. (librock_DERIV_DIFFLIC_0)
The original developer or a third-party must be given the right to relicense derivative works under different or more restrictive terms. [not GPL compat., not closed-source compat.] (librock_DERIV_DIFFLIC_1_3RDP)
Redistribution of modifications required under other certain conditions. (librock_MSRC_1C)

Part 6. Other restrictions

Besides other questions above, are rights and usage otherwise restricted?
Notice to a third party required on use. [not FSF free, not GPL compat.] (librock_3NOTE_1)
Use is allowed in an educational or academic environment only[not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_USE_C_EDU)
Commercial use is restricted. E.g. Only non-commercial use allowed, or commercial users have to do something different. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_USE_C_NCOMM)
The license discriminates against a person or group of persons identified using criteria other than license compliance/non-compliance. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_USE_C_DISCRIM)
The item is shareware. Use without payment temporarily only. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., probably OSD conflict] (librock_USE_C_SHAREWARE)
Use is restricted or allowed in certain fields of endeavor only. [not FSF free, not GPL compat., OSD conflict] (librock_USE_C_FIELD)
For those who do nothing to breach the license, are distribution, use, or other rights revocable, or temporary (For example: time-limited or based on continued existence or non-existence of approval, relationship, law, entity, intellectual property litigation brought by others, etc.) [not FSF free, not GPL compat., probably OSD conflict] (librock_RIGHTS_TEMP)
Your rights are terminated if you initiate patent infringement proceedings against any copyright holder. [not GPL compat.] (librock_RIGHTS_PATSUIT_0)
Other certain restrictions on use or outputs. [probably not FSF free, probably not GPL compat.] (librock_USE_C)
The license includes a choice-of-law clause.. [not GPL compat.] (librock_SRC_C_CHOICELAW)

Part 7. Known evaluations

Has this license already been evaluated by the Free Software Foundation or the Open Source Initiative?
The Free Software Foundation says this license is a Free software license. (librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_FSF_OK)
The Free Software Foundation says this license is not a Free software license. (librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_FSF_FAIL)
The Free Software Foundation says this license is GPL compatible. (librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_GPL_OK)
The Free Software Foundation says this license is not GPL compatible. (librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_GPL_FAIL)
The Open Source Initiative approved this license as OSD compliant. (librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_OSD_OK)
The Open Source Initiative says this license is not OSD compliant. (librock_LIDESC_COMBINE_OSD_FAIL)
If there are license clauses important to compatibility analysis, but did not appear on this questionairre, please let us know here: (The report is not affected, but it will help us improve the questionaire in the future.)