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License Awareness

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Reporting the licenses which cover files

After following the steps in Creating license stamps for files, LIDESC can be used to report which license stamps apply to a file. A public form will lookup license text using a LIDESC stamp. The rest of this page describes the automation provided by the lidesc command-line utility.

debug more here.

For each license stamp that it recognizes, LIDESC will locate the license text file by searching the LIDESC path (the current directory, or the semi-colon separated list given on the command line using the -d parameter.) It will then verify that a matching description file exists, and that the hashcode matches. Matching the hashcode supplies positive identification of the license text. Even when license files may have matching file names, the hashcode will differ.

For stamps embedded or in separate .lic files, report the licenses this command line:
	lidesc [-d {license-path}] check [filename [filename2 ...]]

(If the filename parameters are omitted, a list of filenames, one per line, is read from the standard input. This allows batch processing.)

The -d parameter can be used to specify a "PATH" string which is a list of directories, separated by ';'

To use a list of license stamps, specify the list as a command line parameter '-l' Note that this will ignore embedded stamps and .lic files,
	lidesc -l list [-d {license-dir}] check [filename [filename2 ...]]

The output is one or more lines of the following format:
	filename OK path/to/license.txt (explanation)
filename ERROR explanation

If the filename parameters are omitted, a list of filenames, one per line, is read from the standard input. This allows batch processing.

Providing a -v command line parameter (before 'check') will output additional information, including the license text.

Next: Marking licenses as locally unapproved
Up to: LIDESC User Documentation

Librock LIDESC. Software License Analyzer and Compatibility Reporter
Copyright 2001-2002, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software
You may reproduce verbatim copies of this page, but changing it is not allowed.
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