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World Wide Web- #Libs & Functions (6) - #Related Subjects - |
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Subject Divisions (Reusable Librock) |
librock_HTTP_astrcpyFieldFromUrlEncode - Extract a field value from a URL-Encoded query-string
librock_HTTP_astrcatUrlEncode - Encode special characters to create a safe URL string, per RFC1630
librock_HTML_astrcatValueEncode - Encode special characters within an HTML attribute value.
librock_HTML_astrcatEntityEncode - append to a librock_astring, encoding HTML character entities (like <,>,&)
librock_HTTP_astrSetFieldUrlEncode - replace the value for a field in an URL-encoded query string
Related Subjects (Reusable Librock) |
Up to Activity specific - Gateway topic to software used in specific activities. (application software, business, professional, science, education, etc.)
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