Reuse, not rework

License Awareness

Highly Reusable Software

By activity
Professions, Sciences, Humanities, Business, ...

User Interface
Text-based, GUI, Audio, Video, Keyboards, Mouse, Images,...

Text Strings
Conversions, tests, processing, manipulation,...

Integer, Floating point, Matrix, Statistics, Boolean, ...

Algorithms, Memory, Process control, Debugging, ...

Stored Data
Data storage, Integrity, Encryption, Compression, ...

Networks, protocols, Interprocess, Remote, Client Server, ...

Hard World
Timing, Calendar and Clock, Audio, Video, Printer, Controls...

File System
Management, Filtering, File & Directory access, Viewers, ...

Your policies on software reuse may mean that only a subset of librock is permitted to be used. You may wish to include only certain programming languages, only items certified by testing, or compatible with certain licensing. We give librock subscribers a way to do this systematically by filling out the following checklist. Only the wanted files will be included in downloads and the browseable catalog of manual pages.

(Under development.)