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librock_astrcpy - (re)allocate a destination buffer and copy a NUL terminated string.
librock_astrn0cpy - (re)allocate buffer and copy a string with limit
librock_astrcpyX - (re)allocate a destination buffer and copy a NUL terminated string using specified allocator
librock_astrn0cpyX - (re)allocate buffer and copy a string with limit using specified allocator

#License - #Source code - #Example Use -


#include <librock/astring.h>

char *librock_astrcpy(
    char * *ppasz,
    const char *pSrc

char *librock_astrn0cpy(
    char * *ppasz,
    const char *pSrc,
    int n


These are strcpy() replacements which do automatic reallocation. Instead of a pointer to the destination buffer, these take a pointer to the pointer, so that the buffer can be reallocated if necessary to avoid overrun.

These string copying functions update *ppasz with a pointer to a buffer allocated by () which will contain a copy of the NUL-terminated string at pSrc. If librock_astrn0cpy() is used, at most the first n bytes of pSrc are copied, up to a NUL.

Note that librock_astrn0cpy() will not reserve more space, nor copy more bytes than strlen(pSrc) and the terminating character. Instead, you will want to use librock_astrensure() to reserve space to prepare for memcpy() or other modifying operations.

The NUL termination character is always stored by both functions. (NUL is ASCII 00, '\0', which is not to be confused with NULL, (void *) 0.)

These functions are part of the Librock allocated string functions. See () for an overview. Since the librock allocated string buffers hold NUL terminated strings, most "read-only" string functions of libc and other libraries, such as strlen(), strchr(), can be used.

As with all librock_astr* functions, the caller must assume the buffer will move, and consider all pointers into the old buffer *ppasz unusable. See the () implementation for a good way to use indexes to avoid pointers which go stale.

The allocation function, librock_astrensure(), makes realloc requests in multiples of a fixed size. The primary benefit of this strategy is to reduce realloc calls by assuming the buffer is at least a minimum size. For this and other reasons, be sure to call only with *ppasz set to 0 or a value obtained from a previous call to one of these functions.

Typical Use

#ifdef librock_TYPICAL_USE_astrcpy

        char *asz = 0;
        librock_astrcpy(&asz,"Long buffer");
        librock_astrcat(&asz,"Longer buffer");



Supply a realloc function on a per-call basis (useful for memory pooling, optimization, and more), by using the X suffix variants:
#include <librock/target/types.c>
#include <librock/astring.h>

char *librock_astrcpyX(
    char * *ppasz,
    const char *pSrc,
    void *(*reallocfn)(void *,librock_SIZE_T)

char *librock_astrn0cpyX(
    char * *ppasz,
    const char *pSrc,
    int n,
    void *(*reallocfn)(void *,librock_SIZE_T)


    strlen() strcpy() librock_astrensureX() // used by librock_astrcpyX
    realloc() librock_astrcpyX()            // used by librock_astrcpy

    memchr() memcpy() librock_astrensureX() // used by librock_astrn0cpyX
    librock_astrn0cpyX() realloc()          // used by librock_astrn0cpy


  Copyright 1998-2000 Forrest J. Cavalier III,
  Open-source under MIT license. NO WARRANTY. Copies must retain this block.
  License text in <librock/license/mit.txt> librock_LIDESC_HC=cc598307414a9997b32b60a2e7a8e7c6a13d6438

Source Code

./text/astring.c (implementation, plus source of this manual page)

This software is part of Librock

Rapid reuse, without rework. Details
This page copyright (C) 2002-2004 Forrest J. Cavalier III, d-b-a Mib Software, Saylorsburg PA 18353, USA

Verbatim copying and distribution of this generated page is permitted in any medium provided that no changes are made.
(The source of this manual page may be covered by a more permissive license which allows modifications.)

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