Welcome to the "Usenet RKT," the most useful starting page for learning about Usenet! No matter how much or how little you know about Usenet, these pages will direct you to some appropriate ways of learning more. And even if you already "know it all", I think you will still find this site useful as a reference.
The Usenet RKT groups the Knowledge of Usenet into three main topic areas based on audience.
For Users (including general info on Usenet)
For Providers (running news servers)
For Developers (writing and supporting software)
About the Usenet RKT
There are many other compilations of URLs and FAQs on the topic of Usenet, and I don't pretend that this one is complete. But I think you will find it most useful because it is organized for "Rapid Knowledge Transfer". You won't have to search through 200+ hits you got from a search engine to discard the information that is either too technical or too general.
The information in the Usenet RKT is provided without warranty of any kind. Usenet is the term used to describe a very large and changing system of systems and procedures. We disclaim any responsibility should any information you obtain from us proves misleading. You take full responsibility for your actions. Please help us keep the Usenet RKT current and increasingly useful by making suggestions for improvements.
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The Usenet RKT is brought to you by:

INN customization and Consulting
You are reading http://www.mibsoftware.com/userkt/
Copyright 1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software