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INN Man Pages by Topic: Active File

actsync(8) synchronize, compare, or merge active files
makeactive(8) create active file from spool
active(5) Documents the file which holds the list of active news groups (and when they were created: active.times)
getlist(1) get various lists from NNTP server

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INN Man Pages by Topic: Data Files/History
Usenet RKT News Utilities by Topic: Active File
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: Active File
Usenet RKT INN Setup by Topic: Active File

Examine in depth

6.3 INN FAQ Safe way to edit the "active" file?
6.17 INN FAQ Add local newsgroups?
config.dist Section 16 Actsync Configuration
Usenet RKT For Developers INN1.5.1 source code in Hypertext

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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting