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## Shell script that sets most of these as shell vars
_PATH_SHELLVARS /var/news/etc/innshellvars
## Perl script that sets most of these as perl variables
_PATH_PERL_SHELLVARS /var/news/etc/
## TCL script that sets most of these as tcl variables
_PATH_TCL_SHELLVARS /var/news/etc/innshellvars.tcl
## csh script that sets most of these as csh variables
_PATH_CSH_SHELLVARS /var/news/etc/innshellvars.csh
## Where most config and data files are usually stored; not required
## to the home directory of NEWSUSER.
#### =()<_PATH_NEWSLIB @<_PATH_NEWSLIB>@>()=
_PATH_NEWSLIB /var/news/etc
## The group owner of the rnews program. Usually uucp.
#### =()<RNEWS_GROUP @<RNEWS_GROUP>@>()=
## The server's log file.
#### =()<_PATH_LOGFILE @<_PATH_LOGFILE>@>()=
_PATH_LOGFILE /var/log/news/news
## The server's error log file.
#### =()<_PATH_ERRLOG @<_PATH_ERRLOG>@>()=
_PATH_ERRLOG /var/log/news/errlog
## Where most sylog log files go; see also scanlogs, innstat, etc.
#### =()<_PATH_MOST_LOGS @<_PATH_MOST_LOGS>@>()=
_PATH_MOST_LOGS /var/log/news
## How many generates of log files to keep.
#### =()<LOG_CYCLES @<LOG_CYCLES>@>()=
## Text value of the server's pid.
_PATH_SERVERPID /var/news/run/
## The newsfeeds file, on the server host.
_PATH_NEWSFEEDS /var/news/etc/newsfeeds
## The article history database, on the server host.
#### =()<_PATH_HISTORY @<_PATH_HISTORY>@>()=
_PATH_HISTORY /var/news/etc/history
## File listing the sites that feed us news.
_PATH_INNDHOSTS /var/news/etc/hosts.nntp
## The active file, on the server host.
#### =()<_PATH_ACTIVE @<_PATH_ACTIVE>@>()=
_PATH_ACTIVE /var/news/etc/active
## A temporary active file, for writing on the server host.
_PATH_NEWACTIVE /var/news/etc/active.tmp
## An old active file on the server host.
_PATH_OLDACTIVE /var/news/etc/active.old
## The log of when groups are created.
_PATH_ACTIVETIMES /var/news/etc/active.times
## Where batch files are located.
_PATH_BATCHDIR /var/news/spool/out.going
## Where archives are kept.
_PATH_ARCHIVEDIR /var/news/spool/archive
## Where NNRP distributions file is
_PATH_NNRPDIST /var/news/etc/distributions
## Where the NNRP automatic subscriptions file is
_PATH_NNRPSUBS /var/news/etc/subscriptions
## Where the default Distribution assignments file is
_PATH_DISTPATS /var/news/etc/distrib.pats
_PATH_NEWSGROUPS /var/news/etc/newsgroups
## File where client configuration parameters can be read.
#### =()<_PATH_CONFIG @<_PATH_CONFIG>@>()=
_PATH_CONFIG /var/news/etc/inn.conf
## The possible active file, on clients (NFS-mounted, e.g.).
_PATH_CLIENTACTIVE /var/news/etc/active
## A temporary file, for client inews to use.
## Where to mail to the moderators.
_PATH_MODERATORS /var/news/etc/moderators
## A temporary file, for client inews to use.
## Where NNTP puts the name of the server.
#### =()<_PATH_SERVER @<_PATH_SERVER>@>()=
_PATH_SERVER /var/news/etc/server
## File with name/password for all remote connections.
_PATH_NNTPPASS /var/news/etc/passwd.nntp
## NNRP access file.
_PATH_NNRPACCESS /var/news/etc/nnrp.access
## Default expire control file.
_PATH_EXPIRECTL /var/news/etc/expire.ctl
## Prolog to parse control scripts
_PATH_PARSECTL /var/news/etc/parsecontrol
## Access control file for control scripts.
_PATH_CONTROLCTL /var/news/etc/control.ctl
## Innwatch control file.
_PATH_CTLWATCH /var/news/etc/innwatch.ctl
## Where innwatch writes its own pid.
_PATH_WATCHPID /var/news/run/
## Where innwatch writes status when it gets an interrupt
_PATH_INNWSTATUS /var/news/run/innwatch.status
## Format of news overview database
#### =()<_PATH_SCHEMA @<_PATH_SCHEMA>@>()=
_PATH_SCHEMA /var/news/etc/overview.fmt
config.dist: [Source:"INN 1.5.1 config.dist"] [Revision: 1.64] [Copyright: 1997 Internet Software Consortium]
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