Subject: (4.17) Testing an outgoing feed (your "newsfeeds" configuration). |
Here is a decent game-plan for testing your newsfeeds configuration: Suppose your site is in New Jersey and you have a distribution called "mentorg" which should be used by people that want to make sure that their post will not leave their company (Mentor Graphics). You should do a test post to "nj.test" with no "Distribution:" header, and with "Distribution: nj" and "Distribution: mentorg". After posting, do a "ctlinnd flush ''" and make sure that the /var/spool/news/out.going files for all your sites did/didn't queue up those three messages as appropriate. IMPORTANT: Remember to do a "ctlinnd reload newsfeeds x" command every time you update your "newsfeeds" file! Finally, for checking out changes to newsfeeds, I've found "ctlinnd checkfile" handy. "inncheck" will verify that most of your configuration is sane. ------------------------------ [Last Changed: $Date: 1997/08/26 01:26:21 $ $Revision: 2.19 $] [Copyright: 1997 Heiko Rupp, portions by Tom Limoncelli, Rich Salz, et al.] |