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Known Problems: SCO
I have been told that some older versions of the SCO opendir
routine have file descriptor leaks. The most noticeable symptom is
probably that innd will die while trying to renumber the active file.
You might want to use a freely-redistributable "dirent" package such
as one distributed by the Free Software Foundation. You should also
make sure to set CLX_STYLE to "FCNTL" Finally, you might also want to
edit innd/innd.c where it calculates the "MaxOutgoing" parmater and
increase the fudge number to four.
[Source:"Installing InterNetNews 1.5.1"][][Revision: 1.19 1996/11/10]
[Copyright: 1991 Rich Salz, 1996 Internet Software Consortium]
Installing INN Part 2 : [Previous]
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