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INN 2.x Man Pages: Maintenance

Pages which are new in INN 2.x are marked "new" (They are all convieniently listed together at INN 2.x Man Pages (New))

See Also:Section 1 INN 2.x Man Pages: Commands

expireindex(8) (new) Expire entries from the news overview index
innreport(8) (new) summarize INN log files.
pgpverify(8) (new) cryptographically verify Usenet control messages
sm(8) (new) command line interface to the storage manager

controlchan(8) (new in INN 2.2) channel fed control message handler
ctlinnd(8) control innd
inncheck(8) check/verify configuration and database files
innd(8) (also inndstart) the InterNetNews daemon
nnrpd(8) NNTP server for readers
inndf(8) (new in INN 2.2) replacement for 'df | awk' in innwatch.ctl
innwatch(8) monitor and automatically control innd
innstat(8) snapshot of inn system
news-recovery(8) [obsolete. pointers to other man pages]
news.daily(8) perform once-per day maintenance
mailpost(8) (new in INN 2.2) feed an email message to a newsgroup
makehistory(8) create history file from spool
prunehistory(8) null out entries in history database

writelog(8) add an entry into an INN log file
newslog(8) [obsolete. pointers to other man pages]
innlog.pl(8) perl script to summarize innd and nnrpd log files
scanlogs(8) summarize INN log files
tally.control(8) process logs to track newgroup greation and deletion
tally.unwanted(8) process logs to track unwanted newsgroups

Active Files
actived(8) (new) a daemon to handle nnrpd requests for active file information.
actsync(8) synchronize, compare, or merge active files
makeactive(8) create active file from spool
actsyncd(8) (new in INN 2.2) refer to actsync(8)
mod-active(8) (new in INN 2.2) batch processing of ctlinnd newgroup/rmgroup/changegroup

archive(8) Usenet article archiver
expire(8) remove old articles (from history and spool)
expireover(8) remove old entries from news overview
expirerm(8) remove a list of files (articles)
fastrm(8) remove a list of files (articles)
cnfsstat(8) (new in INN 2.2) report snapshot of CNFS

Incoming news
crosspost(8) create links for cross posted articles
overchan(8) update news overview database
news2mail(8) (new in INN 2.2) a channel script to gateway news into email
pullnews(8) (new in INN 2.2) a perl script for pulling news from one news machine and feeding it to another.

Outgoing news
batcher(8) article batching (outgoing news)
buffchan(8) buffered file writing backend (for exploder feeds)
cvtbatch(8) convert Usenet batch file to INN format (list of pathnames to INN batch file)
filechan(8) file-writing backend for INN
innxbatch(8) send xbatched Usenet articles to remote
innxmit(8) send Usenet articles to a remote NNTP server
newsrequeue(8) rewrite batch files after a system crash
nntpsend(8) send usenet articles to remote site
send-uucp(8) also send-nntp, send-ihave (new) send Usenet articles to remote site

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Copyright 1997-1999, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting