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NNTP-Ext 2.10 The XPATH command |
XPATH <message-id> The XPATH command is used to determine the filenames in which an article is filed. It first appeared in INN. The required parameter message-id is the message id of an article as shown in that article's message-id header. According to RFC 1036[3], all message ids for all articles within the netnews environment are unique, but articles may be crossposted to multiple groups. The response to an XPATH command will include a listing of all filenames in which an article is stored separated by spaces or a response indicating that no article with the specified message-id exists. The returned data is only useful if the news client knows the implementation details of the server. Because of this, it is recommended that client avoid using this command. 2.10.1 Responses 223 path1[ path2 ...] 430 no such article on server |
[Source:"draft-ietf-nntp-imp-02.txt"] [Last Changed:March 1998] [Copyright: 1998 S. Barber] |