s-o-1036 June 1994
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6.10. Approved
The Approved header content indicates the mailing addresses
(and possibly the full names) of the persons or entities
approving the article for posting:
Approved-content = From-content *( "," [ space ] From-content )
An Approved header is required in all postings to moderated
newsgroups; the presence or absence of this header allows a
posting agent to distinguish between articles posted by the
moderator (which are normal articles to be posted normally)
and attempted contributions by others (which should be
mailed to the moderator for approval). An Approved header
is also required in certain control messages, to reduce the
probability of accidental posting of same; see the relevant
parts of section 7.
INTERNET DRAFT to be NEWS sec. 6.10
NOTE: There is, at present, no way to authenticate
Approved headers to ensure that the claimed
approval really was bestowed. Nor is there an
established mechanism for even maintaining a list
of legitimate approvers (such a list would quickly
become out of date if it had to be maintained by
hand). Such mechanisms, presumably relying on
cryptographic authentication, would be a worth-
while extension to this Draft, and experimental
work in this area is encouraged. (The problem is
harder than it sounds because news is used on many
systems which do not have real-time access to key
NOTE: Relayer implementors, please note well: it
is the POSTING AGENT that is authorized to distin-
guish between moderator postings and attempted
contributions, and to mail the latter to the mod-
erator. As discussed in section 9.1, relayers
MUST not, repeat MUST not, send such mail; on
receipt of an unApproved article in a moderated
newsgroup, they should discard the article, NOT
transform it into a mail message (except perhaps
to a local administrator).
NOTE: RFC 1036 restricted Approved to a single
From-content. However, multiple moderation is no
longer rare, and multi-moderator Approved headers
are already in use.
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#Diff to first older
--- ../rfc1036/Approved.out December 1987
+++ ../s-o-1036/Approved.out June 1994
@@ -1,6 +1,51 @@
-2.2.11. Approved
+6.10. Approved
- This line is required for any message posted to a moderated
- newsgroup. It should be added by the moderator and consist of his
- mail address. It is also required with certain control messages.
+The Approved header content indicates the mailing addresses
+(and possibly the full names) of the persons or entities
+approving the article for posting:
+ Approved-content = From-content *( "," [ space ] From-content )
+An Approved header is required in all postings to moderated
+newsgroups; the presence or absence of this header allows a
+posting agent to distinguish between articles posted by the
+moderator (which are normal articles to be posted normally)
+and attempted contributions by others (which should be
+mailed to the moderator for approval). An Approved header
+is also required in certain control messages, to reduce the
+probability of accidental posting of same; see the relevant
+parts of section 7.
+INTERNET DRAFT to be NEWS sec. 6.10
+ NOTE: There is, at present, no way to authenticate
+ Approved headers to ensure that the claimed
+ approval really was bestowed. Nor is there an
+ established mechanism for even maintaining a list
+ of legitimate approvers (such a list would quickly
+ become out of date if it had to be maintained by
+ hand). Such mechanisms, presumably relying on
+ cryptographic authentication, would be a worth-
+ while extension to this Draft, and experimental
+ work in this area is encouraged. (The problem is
+ harder than it sounds because news is used on many
+ systems which do not have real-time access to key
+ servers.)
+ NOTE: Relayer implementors, please note well: it
+ is the POSTING AGENT that is authorized to distin-
+ guish between moderator postings and attempted
+ contributions, and to mail the latter to the mod-
+ erator. As discussed in section 9.1, relayers
+ MUST not, repeat MUST not, send such mail; on
+ receipt of an unApproved article in a moderated
+ newsgroup, they should discard the article, NOT
+ transform it into a mail message (except perhaps
+ to a local administrator).
+ NOTE: RFC 1036 restricted Approved to a single
+ From-content. However, multiple moderation is no
+ longer rare, and multi-moderator Approved headers
+ are already in use.