s-o-1036 June 1994
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6.6. Control
The Control header content marks the article as a control
message, and specifies the desired actions (other than the
usual ones of filing and passing on the article):
Control-content = verb *( space argument )
verb = 1*( letter / digit )
argument = 1*<ASCII printable character>
The verb indicates what action should be taken, and the
argument(s) (if any) supply details. In some cases, the
body of the article may also contain details. Section 7
describes the standard verbs. See also the Also-Control
header (section 6.15).
NOTE: Control messages are often processed and
filed rather differently than normal articles.
NOTE: The restriction of verbs to letters and dig-
its is new, but is consistent with existing prac-
tice and potentially simplifies implementation by
avoiding characters significant to command inter-
preters. Beware that the arguments are under no
such restriction in general.
NOTE: Two other conventions for distinguishing
control messages from normal articles were for-
merly in use: a three-component newsgroup name
ending in ".ctl" or a subject beginning with
"cmsg " was considered to imply that the article
was a control message. These conventions are
obsolete. Do not use them.
An article with a Control header MUST not have an Also-
Control or Supersedes header.
INTERNET DRAFT to be NEWS sec. 6.7
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#Diff to first older
--- ../rfc1036/Control.out December 1987
+++ ../s-o-1036/Control.out June 1994
@@ -1,17 +1,39 @@
-2.2.6. Control
+6.6. Control
- If a message contains a "Control" line, the message is a control
- message. Control messages are used for communication among USENET
- host machines, not to be read by users. Control messages are
- distributed by the same newsgroup mechanism as ordinary messages.
- The body of the "Control" header line is the message to the host.
- For upward compatibility, messages that match the newsgroup pattern
- "all.all.ctl" should also be interpreted as control messages. If no
- "Control" header is present on such messages, the subject is used as
- the control message. However, messages on newsgroups matching this
- pattern do not conform to this standard.
- Also for upward compatibility, if the first 4 characters of the
- "Subject:" line are "cmsg", the rest of the "Subject:" line should
- be interpreted as a control message.
+The Control header content marks the article as a control
+message, and specifies the desired actions (other than the
+usual ones of filing and passing on the article):
+ Control-content = verb *( space argument )
+ verb = 1*( letter / digit )
+ argument = 1*<ASCII printable character>
+The verb indicates what action should be taken, and the
+argument(s) (if any) supply details. In some cases, the
+body of the article may also contain details. Section 7
+describes the standard verbs. See also the Also-Control
+header (section 6.15).
+ NOTE: Control messages are often processed and
+ filed rather differently than normal articles.
+ NOTE: The restriction of verbs to letters and dig-
+ its is new, but is consistent with existing prac-
+ tice and potentially simplifies implementation by
+ avoiding characters significant to command inter-
+ preters. Beware that the arguments are under no
+ such restriction in general.
+ NOTE: Two other conventions for distinguishing
+ control messages from normal articles were for-
+ merly in use: a three-component newsgroup name
+ ending in ".ctl" or a subject beginning with
+ "cmsg " was considered to imply that the article
+ was a control message. These conventions are
+ obsolete. Do not use them.
+An article with a Control header MUST not have an Also-
+Control or Supersedes header.
+INTERNET DRAFT to be NEWS sec. 6.7