s-o-1036 June 1994

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6.16. See-Also

The See-Also header content lists message  IDs  of  articles
that are related to this one but are not its precursors:

INTERNET DRAFT to be        NEWS                   sec. 6.16

     See-Also-content = message-id *( space message-id )

See-Also  resembles References, but without the restrictions
imposed on References by the followup rules.

     NOTE: See-Also provides a  way  to  group  related
     articles,  such  as the parts of a single document
     that had to be split across multiple articles  due
     to  its size, or to cross-reference between paral-
     lel threads.

     NOTE: See the discussion (in section 6.5) on  MAIL
     compatibility issues of References and See-Also.

     NOTE:  In the specific case where it is desired to
     essentially make another article PART of the  cur-
     rent  one,  e.g. for annotation of the other arti-
     cle, MIME's "message/external-body" convention can
     be used to do so without actual inclusion.  "news-
     message-ID" was registered as a standard external-
     body  access method, with a mandatory NAME parame-
     ter giving the message ID  and  an  optional  SITE
     parameter  suggesting an NNTP site that might have
     the article available  (if  it  is  not  available
     locally), by IANA 22 June 1993.

     UNRESOLVED  ISSUE: Could the syntax be generalized
     to include URLs as alternatives  to  message  IDs?
     Here  it makes much more sense than in References.
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Documents were processed to this format by Forrest J. Cavalier III