usefor-article-04 April 2001

[< Prev] [TOC] [ Next >]  Local Headers

   Headers with the local property are significant only to a particular
   serving agent (or perhaps a cooperating group of such agents). They
   MAY be removed by relaying agents before propagation, and MUST be
   removed (and replaced as necessary) by serving agents when received.
   The replaced header MAY be placed anywhere within the headers (though
   placing it first is recommended). The principle example is:
     o Xref (6.16) - used to keep track of the article locators of
       crossposted articles so that newsreaders can mark such articles
       as read.
[< Prev] [TOC] [ Next >]
#Diff to first older
News Article Format February 2000

--- ../usefor-article-03/Local_Headers.out          February 2000
+++ ../usefor-article-04/Local_Headers.out          April 2001
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
    removed (and replaced as necessary) by serving agents when received.
    The replaced header MAY be placed anywhere within the headers (though
    placing it first is recommended). The principle example is:
-     o Xref (6.14) - used to keep track of the article locators of
+     o Xref (6.16) - used to keep track of the article locators of
        crossposted articles so that newsreaders can mark such articles
        as read.

Documents were processed to this format by Forrest J. Cavalier III