usefor-usefor-03 April 2005

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5.  Security Considerations

   The news article format specified in this document does not provide
   any security services, such as confidentiality, authentication of
   sender, or non-repudiation.  Instead, such services need to be
   layered above, using such protocols as S/MIME [RFC2633] or PGP/MIME
   [RFC3156], or below, using secure versions of news transport
   protocols.  Additionally, several currently non-standardized
   protocols [PGPVERIFY] will hopefully be standardized in the near

   Message-IDs (Section 3.1.3) in news are required to be unique;
   articles are refused (in server-to-server transfer) if the ID has
   already been seen.  So if you can predict the ID of a message, you
   can preempt it by posting a message (possibly to a quite different
   group) with the same ID, stopping your target message from
   propagating.  Agents that generate message-ids for news articles
   SHOULD ensure that they are unpredictable.
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#Diff to first older
usefor-usefor May 2005
usefor-usefor November 2004
usefor-usefor September 2004
News Article Format February 2000
RFC 2822 April 2001

--- ../usefor-usefor-02/Security_Considerations.out          November 2004
+++ ../usefor-usefor-03/Security_Considerations.out          April 2005
@@ -16,10 +16,4 @@
    group) with the same ID, stopping your target message from
    propagating.  Agents that generate message-ids for news articles
    SHOULD ensure that they are unpredictable.
-   The filename parameter of the Archive-header (Section 3.2.11) can be
-   used to attempt to store archived articles in inappropriate
-   locations.  Archiving sites should be suspicious of absolute filename
-   parameters, as opposed to those relative to some location of the
-   archiver's choosing.

Documents were processed to this format by Forrest J. Cavalier III