usefor-usepro-00 August 2004
[TOC] Example
From: "example.all Administrator" <admin@noc.example>
Newsgroups: example.admin.obsolete, example.admin.announce
Date: 4 Apr 2002 22:04 -0900 (PST)
Subject: cmsg rmgroup example.admin.obsolete
Message-ID: <rm-example.admin.obsolete-20020404@noc.example>
Approved: admin@noc.example
Control: rmgroup example.admin.obsolete
The group example.admin.obsolete is obsolete. Please remove it
from your system.
#Diff to first older
--- ../usefor-article-13/1_Example.out May 2004
+++ ../usefor-usepro-00/1_Example.out August 2004
@@ -1,41 +1,13 @@
-5.6.5. Example
+ Example
- Path: foo.isp.example/
- foo-server/bar.isp.example?!
- barbaz/baz.isp.example%dialup123.baz.isp.example!x
+ From: "example.all Administrator" <admin@noc.example>
+ Newsgroups: example.admin.obsolete, example.admin.announce
+ Date: 4 Apr 2002 22:04 -0900 (PST)
+ Subject: cmsg rmgroup example.admin.obsolete
+ Message-ID: <rm-example.admin.obsolete-20020404@noc.example>
+ Approved: admin@noc.example
+ Control: rmgroup example.admin.obsolete
- NOTE: That article was injected into the news stream by
- baz.isp.example (complaints may be addressed to
- abuse@baz.isp.example). The injector has taken care to record
- that it got it from dialup123.baz.isp.example. "x" is a dummy
- tail-entry, though sometimes a real userid is put there.
- The article was relayed, perhaps by UUCP, to the machine known,
- at least to, as "barbaz".
- Barbaz relayed it to, which does not yet
- conform to this standard (hence the '!' path-delimiter). So one
- cannot be sure that it really came from barbaz.
- relayed it to a site claiming to have the IP
- address [], and claiming (by using the '/' path-
- delimiter) to have verified that it came from
- [] relayed it to "foo-server" which, not being
- convinced that it truly came from [], did a reverse
- lookup on the actual source and concluded it was known as
- bar.isp.example (that is not to say that [] was not a
- correct IP address for bar.isp.example, but simply that that
- connection could not be substantiated by foo-server). Observe
- that foo-server has now added two entries to the Path.
- "foo-server" is a locally significant name within the complex
- site of many machines run by foo.isp.example, so the latter
- should have no problem recognizing foo-server and using a '/'
- path-delimiter. Presumably foo.isp.example then delivered the
- article to its direct clients.
- It appears that foo.isp.example and decided to
- fold the line, on the grounds that it seemed to be getting a
- little too long.
+ The group example.admin.obsolete is obsolete. Please remove it
+ from your system.