Nina, M.S. EE,
IEEE Member

Forrest, B.S. ECE,
IEEE Senior Member
Since 1993, we write high-quality software
to connect and accelerate
your engineering, marketing, manufacturing, and sales.
Our highly productive software process lets us compete with off-shore developers at hourly contract rates. For fixed-cost projects, we use up-front analysis to uncover non-obvious value and challenges, forge consensus with stakeholders, and capture details to track and control development. We identify crucial deliverables and set intermediate deadlines to support delivery on tight schedules. We handle projects that range from tens to thousands of developer-hours in C/C++, gcc, PERL, PHP, Javascript, C#, VB, also Java, Ruby, Python, Forth, MySQL,SQL, servers, browsers, desktop.
Along with our software and computer engineering experience, our diverse background includes quality assurance, Caribbean and U.S. electronics manufacturing, and education. We help clients improve their processes and maximize the value they deliver to their customers, by balancing the demands of engineering, marketing, sales, and manufacturing.
Modern manufacturing requires supporting multiple product lines, sales channels, and customer types. When you publish a smart catalog, you help customers quickly grasp the value and breadth of your offering without the frustration of information overload.
We can develop custom software using your business logic and engineered product models. Even better, software can import and run your custom logic and product models automatically. This creates a new programming language specific to your business and products, so that your engineers stay focused on the products and not the low-level details of programming languages. The approach eliminates programming errors in implementation and dramatically accelerates deployments.
Software for international customers needs seamless support for different languages, currencies, and locales. We are proficient in US and UK English and Latin American Spanish, providing development and testing in these languages. We coordinate translation to other languages by clients and third-party services.
Successful businesses evolve quickly to respond to changes in markets and need software that keeps up. We engineer long-running software projects to anticipate and accelerate on-going software development.
When we adapt and refresh existing software, we draw on decades of experience in software technologies in order to preserve and extend the useful life of previous software investment.
Software that supports multiple users and international markets must be tested from a user-perspective along with up-to-date quality assurance technologies such as unit test, code coverage, and scripting.
Copyright © 2012-2024 MIB SOFTWARE, INC
Saylorsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania
Voice: 570-992-8824 —