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Text Strings

- Gateway topic to character and string processing routines. NUL Terminated String processing String conversions,et al. ascii to long, long to
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Text Strings
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Subject Divisions (Reusable Librock)  

NUL Terminated String processing - NUL terminated string operations (strcpy, strlen, etc)

String-Non-Integer-String conversions - conversion to and from floating point, time, dates, et al.

String-Integer-String conversions - Converting strings to and from integers. ascii to long, long to ascii, etc.

#Overviews and other related subjects# - related, but not under or including this subject directly.

Libraries and Components: Showing  
Adding the "librock_" prefix is just the start of standardizing the highest quality, freely reusable, open source code from all over the web. Use these links to get docs and source code for wide reuse on gcc/MSVC/Windows/Linux/BSD/more. Get explanations of librock standardization, updates, and support at

librock_astrensure - (re)allocate space to store a NUL terminated string

librock_astrfree - deallocate space obtained using librock_astring functions
librock_astrstatic - minimize space to store a NUL terminated string
librock_astrensureX - (re)allocate space to store a NUL terminated string using specified allocator
librock_astrfreeX - deallocate space obtained using librock_astring functions using specified allocator
librock_astrstaticX - minimize space to store a NUL terminated string using specified allocator

librock_counttochn - count consecutive characters up to but not including n'th ch or \0

librock_counttoch - count consecutive characters up to but not including next ch or \0

librock_counttoeol - count consecutive characters up to (but not including) next \0 \n or \r

librock_countln - count consecutive characters up to and including next \0 \n

librock_countbl - counts consecutive blank characters (ASCII TAB or ' ')

librock_counttowh - count consecutive non-blank characters

librock_afgettoch - accumulate from FILE * into realloc'ed buffer until reach EOF or a specified character

librock_afgettochX - accumulate from FILE * into realloc'ed buffer until reach EOF or a specified character using specified allocator

librock_afgets - read line of unlimited length from FILE *

librock_afgetsX - read line of unlimited length from FILE * using specified allocator

librock_astrcat - (re)allocate a destination buffer and concatenate a NUL terminated string.

librock_astrn0cat - (re)allocate buffer and concatenate a string with limit
librock_astrcatX - (re)allocate a destination buffer and concatenate a NUL terminated string using specified allocator
librock_astrn0catX - (re)allocate buffer and concatenate a string with limit using specified allocator

librock_astrcpy - (re)allocate a destination buffer and copy a NUL terminated string.

librock_astrn0cpy - (re)allocate buffer and copy a string with limit
librock_astrcpyX - (re)allocate a destination buffer and copy a NUL terminated string using specified allocator
librock_astrn0cpyX - (re)allocate buffer and copy a string with limit using specified allocator

librock_countCid - count consecutive characters in a C language identifier ([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)

librock_vastrprintf - printf into an allocated string. lists additional items in this subject
applications and utilities (including links to open source code)
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man pages (*BSD, RedHat, more, with links to open source code)
Q&A (including programmer FAQs)
books (at Amazon, B&N, and info (including FAQs, HOW-TOs, IEEE articles)

Related Subjects (Reusable Librock)  

Subject divisions directly under this one are #here#.

( lists additional items in this subject here)

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Copyright 2002, Forrest J. Cavalier III. d-b-a Mib Software, Saylorsburg PA 18353, USA
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