Can't view graphics and attachments

Index as: Usenet included graphics ; article attachments]

Most modern news readers allow the decoding and viewing of inline attachments. If not, you will probably see a large block of unreadable text, which looks something like this:

begin 755 anyimg.gif

To use an attachment, you can:

More Detailed Topics
Usenet RKT: Before you post a large article
Usenet RKT: Takes a long time to post articles
Usenet RKT: (coming later!)Getting help with news reader software
Usenet RKT: (coming later!)How news gets to you.
Usenet RKT: Trouble: Can't view graphics and attachments

Overview and Related Topics
Usenet RKT: Trouble with news reader software
Usenet RKT: Takes a long time to receive an article
Usenet RKT: How to access Usenet
Contains a pointer to a list of news readers.

RKT Rapid-Links:[Search] [RKT Tips] Path:Usenet RKT / For Users / Trouble with news reader software / 0020.htm

You are reading from the Usenet RKT
Comments? DocID: USERKT/0020.htm
Copyright 1997, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting