INN 2.0beta
Prompted by the user community, the Internet Software Consortium changed the developement model of INN. Work on a new version of INN under an "open" development model was started in the Fall of 1997. The working name was INN 1.8. By April 1998, the consensus was that this new version of INN should be called INN 2.0.
INN 2.0 was released to beta test by the ISC in April 1998. There are numerous ways to obtain and try a copy. The INN 2.0 beta tree is available as part of the Usenet RKT. See for a discussion of methods and pointers to the tree.
As fixes and developments occur daily with INN 2.0beta, you should subscribe to the inn-workers mailing list by sending a message to: with a body of
There are other lists which are provided by the ISC, but are open for submissions and subscriptions: inn-committers, inn-bugs, inn-patches.
Remember to send the subscription request to the 'xxxx-request' address.
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Copyright 1997, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting