This is Rapid Knowledge Transfer for Usenet software developers and maintainers. From here you can access existing patches and tools, specs and documentation, helpful tips, and source code. This resource center is where to start when you need to understand or modify INN code, or want to develop new tools. Starting from scratch is unncessary.

For News Software Developers

Area of DevelopmentWant to learn more about
Newsreaders (clients)Sockets and Programming
Creating a newsreader
The Protocols: NNTP, RFC977, RFC1036
The Good Net Keeping Seal of Approval
News servers: AdministrationHow to improve news
Has it been done before?
How to publish patches and upgrades.
Existing Tools
News server: Software(coming later!)Creating a newsserver
The Protocols: NNTP, RFC977, RFC1036
INN1.5.1 source code in Hypertext
INN 2.0beta
inn-workers mailing list archive
INN Patches and Existing tools

The information in the Usenet RKT is provided without warranty of any kind. Usenet is the term used to describe a very large and changing system of systems and procedures. We disclaim any responsibility should any information you obtain from us proves misleading. You take full responsibility for your actions. Please help us keep the Usenet RKT current and increasingly useful by making suggestions for improvements.

Didn't find what you want? I encourage comments and suggestions! E-mail me.

You may also want to check out other portions of the Usenet RKT
For Users (including general info on Usenet)
For Providers (running news servers)

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