The Usenet RKT is a compilation of numerous sources of documentation, not all authored by Mib Software. The copyright information is tacked to the bottom of each page. A topic will have the RKT logo and background only when it was authored by Mib Software. All rights reserved.
The information in the Usenet RKT is provided without warranty of any kind. Usenet is the term used to describe a very large and changing system of systems and procedures. We disclaim any responsibility should any information you obtain from us proves misleading. You take full responsibility for your actions. Please help us keep the Usenet RKT current and increasingly useful by making suggestions for improvements.
The "For Providers" portion of the RKT is arranged with two audiences in mind:
providers (or would-be providers) who are just Getting Started and want information of a general nature. Mib Software authored most of the pages in this section, including an overview of the The various parts of INN. This section is in the standard RKT format with "Broad" and "Depth" links for Rapid Knowledge Transfer.
Providers who are using INN will be more interested in using the RKT as reference materal. There is not much that Mib Software can add to the already extensive INN documentation in the INN FAQ, man pages, and installation guides. Instead, the RKT is arranged to make it easier to access the documentation by splitting it all into separate pages (over 450!) and hypertext linking them. The technical nature of the information forces a slight non-conformance to RKT design principles.
There are three primary access paths. (There is extensive linking between the access paths, so you can just "jump right in.")