Usenet RKT For Providers...Troubleshooting INN
You may want to start at:
Be sure to read Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting Basics (techniques, terminology, etc) FIRST!
INN Troubleshooting by message
Troubleshooting by Topic
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: INND (including build/compile)
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: Active File
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: Articles/Spool/Expire
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: History database
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: ctlinnd and control messages
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: news.daily/expire
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: Performance
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: inbound news
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: outbound news
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: readers
6.6 INN FAQ After a crash.
See Also
To get a good overview of the various parts of INN, see the INN Data Flow Diagram in
Usenet RKT The various parts of INN
INN FAQ by machine/OS
Usenet RKT INN Man Pages
Usenet RKT INN Setup and Changes
Installing InterNetNews
Mib Software provides support for INN users, (including troubleshooting, benchmarking, problem resolution at an hourly rate.) See Getting Support for INN
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Copyright 1997, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software: INN customization and consulting
Created: 3/24/1997 Last updated: 3/27/1997
You are reading from the Usenet RKT
Comments? [DocID: USERKT/INN/innrkt5.htm]
Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting