INN Troubleshooting by Topic: Performance
(INN 2.x) Usenet RKT INN 2.x Troubleshooting by Topic: Performance
7.39 INN FAQ Inn hangs during renumbering the active file
7.45 INN FAQ INN is only slowly responding
7.20 INN FAQ I am not getting all the articles, but my feeder is sending a full feed
7.21 INN FAQ overchan can't keep up.
7.33 INN FAQ Help, INND gets real big
7.27 INN FAQ Reloading hosts.nntp is slow.
7.56 INN FAQ I upgraded to INN 1.5.1, and peers have trouble feeding me.
7.54 INN FAQ Expire is slooooooow
7.57 INN FAQ I upgraded to INN 1.5.1, and it takes clients a long time to connect.
7.58 INN FAQ My server gets slower and is busy doing io
There is an INN tuning tips page at http://www.spinne.com/usenet/inn-perf.html
There are alternatives to sending news that often are used to get faster performance. These are often called "news routers" or "news propagators." They are listed at News Utilities by Topic: Outgoing news
There is also advice and techniques for inn performance at http://www.nntp.primenet.com/INN/performance.html

Up to Troubleshooting INN
Usenet RKT INN Setup by Topic: Active File
Usenet RKT INN Setup by Topic: Articles/Spool/Expire
Usenet RKT INN Setup by Topic: Incoming news
Usenet RKT INN Man Pages by Topic: Active File
Usenet RKT INN Man Pages by Topic: Articles/Spool/Expire
Usenet RKT INN Man Pages by Topic: Incoming news
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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting