News Utilities
Many people have written news utilities and tools. Most are available from the Internet Software Consortium INN FTP site, as "unofficial contributions" -- they were not developed by the ISC.
(Note: a mirror for much of the unoff-contributed software appears at BELNET FTP Site.)
NOTE: This list is probably not complete. Announcements of tools in news.software.nntp do not always make it to the standard places. Please point out any sites I have missed. If you have a utility you wish listed, then send e-mail.
Before concluding something does not exist, or writing a new utility, read the Developer's section of the Usenet RKT (especially the topic Has it been done before?)
Alphabetical Listing of News Utilities (--kind of long, but you might enjoy browsing to get an idea of what is out there.)
By Topic
Also of interest: INN Patches
Sources of this list
This section of the Usenet RKT is a compilation of various lists of news utilities:
Many were originally listed (and housed) at Dave Barr's INN page, and some of the descriptions are his. Most have moved to the ISC.
BELNET has a mirror of most of what is at the ISC, as well as some older utilities which still may be of use.
INN Official contributions are listed. For completeness and convenience, pointers to INN 1.5.1 software Section 1 and Section 8 man pages are also included in the list.
Listings of news utilities at Scripts by noyd@u.washington.edu,
Utilities by Matt Dillon are included in the list.
Newstools at SWITCH.CH are listed.
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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting