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News Utilities by Topic: Expire

expireover(8) remove old entries from news overview

expirerm(8) remove a list of files (articles)

dexpire-2.1.tar.gz (At BELNET) (From 1992)
Dynamic expiration based on spool size, activity, etc. Replaces expire, does not modify
expire.ctl. Does not use or update the history file.

expireadjust.tar.gz (At BELNET)

expirectl (At Utilities by Matt Dillon)
Automatically builds expire.ctl file based on current disk space and a template.

spexpire.shar (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
A limited space-based expire

-B-r-o-a-d-e-n- your knowledge

INN Patches by Topic: Expire

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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting