News Utilities by Topic: Incoming news
Note: Descriptions are excerpted from the author's description or documentation, or README files or HTML documents. It is fully your responsibility to verify the software will work as you expect and is suitable for use.
crosspost(8) create links for cross posted articles
cvtbatch(8) convert Usenet batch file to INN format (list of pathnames to INN batch file)
nntpget(1) get Usenet articles from a remote NNTP server
rnews(1) receive news (from a connection other than NNTP)
autoreply3.10.shar (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
Automatic reply to messages posted in newsgroups, (to test propagation delay, etc.)
cyclone (At http://www.highwind.com/cyclone.html)
News router for selected Un*x platforms. Designed for high-volume news hubs. Lots of control over spool, quality of service, capacity, etc.
delayplot - (At Dave Barr's INN page)
Work-in-Progress A script to generate a scatter plot of articles and how long each took to arrive.
(requires Berkeley 'graph', though could easily be made to
use gnuplot)
diablo (At Utilities by Matt Dillon)
"...people interested in transit-only news software able to take incoming INN streaming and non-
streaming feeds, and able to generate outgoing feeds should take a look at my Diablo software.
This is strictly newsfeeds software, and cannot be used in conjuction with an NNTP server."
feedinfo: (At SWITCH.CH) by Ade Lovett, DEMON also (At BELNET)
"WWW-based package presenting statistics about incoming News traffic in a broad variety of
flowstats-1.5.2.tar.gz (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
"Get statistics on news flow (updated 2 Sept 1996). "
gfilter (At Utilities by Matt Dillon) INN/NEWSFEEDS based article filter program, V 1.00
"...a program which will filter all incoming articles and perform any combination of logging,
copying for posterity, or deletion from the spool based on specified criteria. This program is a
channel backend to INN."
gup-0.4.tar.gz (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
Mail processor to permit downstream sites to update their newsfeeds entries themselves.
inflow: (At SWITCH.CH) also (At BELNET) By Gerhard Winkler, ACONET, and Felix
Kugler, SWITCH
"..a monitor for incoming News traffic. Counts articles and bytes, gives statistics per feeding site
and per hierarchy or newsgroup. ASCII and HTML output."
innautorespond.gz (At BELNET)
Automatic reply to messages posted in newsgroups, (to test propagation delay, etc.)
inndelay By Fabien TASSIN. (At ftp://ftp.eerie.fr/pub/usenet/inndelay)
a script to measure article arrival delays (much like delayplot script). A good tool to see
how 'behind' you are.
laghist: (At Utilities by Matt Dillon)
"If you want to get an idea of the length of time it takes articles to reach your site, the laghist
program can be used."
mail2news.tar.gz (At BELNET)
See also: newsgate
makefeeds.shar (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
Perl script to generate a newsfeeds entry given an active file.
Moderators Tools: see USENET Moderators Archive
newsbot(At ISC/INN/contrib)
"instantly grep and trigger actions on news articles"
newsgate by Rich Salz (At ISC/INN/contrib)
Gateway for mail to news, news to mail, mailing lists, moderators, etc.
newstools-1.3.tar.gz (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
Various news admin utilities by Bill Davidsen. Some Bugs. Includes NSLG: Reader Synthetic
Load generator: "newsreading robots" (for benchmarking/test). ARTRATE: plot incoming article
rate. CONNRATE: plot connections/second, articles read/second. NCC - news consistency
checker: more complete version of findmissing.pl
NNTPRelay (At http://nntprelay.maxwell.syr.edu/)
"A Usenet news propagator [for Windows NT only] designed for high throughput to many peers....does not support readers." No source code.
nocem and nocemOnSpool (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET News Software and Docs)
Auto cancel of spam, etc.....nocem requires that you use a recent version of pgp, perl, and that
you can get the groups alt.nocem.misc locally.
pathstats (At Utilities by Matt Dillon)
"...a program which scans part or all of a spool and generates a graph of the USENET news
distribution network."
recover.junk.gz (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
refile 'junk' articles back to news spool after you add a group
rkive-2.2.tar.gz (At BELNET)
Automatic article archiving
suck (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
"..Use XHDR and other utils to copy news from an NNTP server to your local machine, and
copying replies back up to an NNTP server, without using feeds...."
tally.README (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
Reports totals and stats from a file generated by newsfeeds: incoming, connects, etc.
xbatch-v202.tar.gz (At BELNET)
INN xbatch patch: Software for accepting/sending a compressed feed
-B-r-o-a-d-e-n- your knowledge
INN Patches by Topic: Incoming news
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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting