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Subject: (7.14) Directories are being created with wrong permissions. |
> Question: >When I received news for /var/spool/news/foo/bar for the first >time, the directories got created: > ># ls -lgR foo >total 1 >d-wx-w-rwx 2 news news 512 Feb 9 00:03 bar/ > >What did I do wrong? > >## Mode that directories are created under. >#### =()<GROUPDIR_MODE @<GROUPDIR_MODE>@>()= >GROUPDIR_MODE 2775Answer: You forgot a zero in front of this number, for the C compiler to interpret it as octal instead of decimal. ------------------------------ [Last Changed: $Date: 1997/09/16 01:25:57 $ $Revision: 2.25 $] [Copyright: 1997 Heiko Rupp, portions by Tom Limoncelli, Rich Salz, et al.] |