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Storage API

The storage API in INN 2.x is the most major design change from INN 1.X. Experienced INN admins may wish to start here to gain knowledge of this important new feature of INN. These pages were compiled by Mib Software

This is a summary list of topics - just the best to get a good understanding of what's different. Links to these and additional topics related to the storage API setup and problems are accessed through the "By Topic" listings: INN 2.x Setup and Changes by Topic and INN 2.x Troubleshooting

The Basics
(Storage API) Overview of major parts
What's the difference between overview and unified overview (uniover)
Major design issues for production stability
How do I migrate a traditional spool to storage API?
Why use timehash? Can I have control over expiration by newsgroup?
Does changing storage.conf make existing articles inaccessible?
How does expire interact with a CNFS cycbuff?

What's the difference between overview and unified overview (uniover)
(Storage API) Can overview be omitted for transport-only servers?
INN 2.0-2.2: (Storage API) Why was unified overview done?
INN 2.0-2.2: (Storage API) Some unified overview data does not expire.
INN 2.0-2.2: Do I need unified overview?
INN 2.0-2.2: What to do with "overview!" spool files.

(Storage API) How is space added to a CNFS buffer?
Must all cycbuffs in a METACYCBUFF be the same size?
CNFS: >2G? Resizing?. How do I "poke around" the CNFS system?
Can I use raw partitions for a performance gain with CNFS?
NFS mounted CNFS spools, alternatives to file and permission control.

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Copyright 1997-1999, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting