RKT Tips for Providers
The Usenet RKT is a compilation of numerous sources of documentation, not all authored by Mib Software. The copyright information is tacked to the bottom of each page. A topic will have the RKT logo and background only when it was authored by Mib Software. All rights reserved.
The information in the Usenet RKT is provided without warranty of any kind. Usenet is the term used to describe a very large and changing system of systems and procedures. We disclaim any responsibility should any information you obtain from us proves misleading. You take full responsibility for your actions. Please help us keep the Usenet RKT current and increasingly useful by making suggestions for improvements.
These tips will help you get the most out of the Providers section of the Usenet RKT.
(The "Providers" section of the Usenet RKT is written and organized to assist in running news servers. If you looking for other information, then start at the main Usenet RKT page!)
1. Understand the basics of newsserver architecture (this will set a framework for knowledge acquisition.)
The For Providers section assumes a basic level of understanding of the newsserver architecture and terminology. At a minimum be sure to read The Various Parts of INN, which has a data flow diagram, short descriptions of features, and interrelationships. This is Very Highly recommended, even if you don't have time to spend in Usenet RKT For Providers... Getting Started (which is where you should start, by the way.)
2. Understand how the RKT is organized (to help locate topic areas quickly)
The RKT is organized according to typical reasons to use it:
Links are further organized according to a major features of INN: Active File, spool, readers, etc. And the features pages are cross linked (e.g. from Troubleshooting to Setup and Changes) for example. Topics that apply to more than one reason/feature appear more than once for convenience.
(View the RKT design guidelines.)
3. If you can't find what you want by navigating the topic areas, then do a text search of the Usenet RKT. You can search titles only or the full text of RKT topics. This will expand your search to all areas of the RKT, so you can pick up applicable topics from the Users and Developers sections. Don't dismiss those topics because they were not written for you -- they may have the clue you need!
4. The Usenet RKT is only a starting point, it is not complete. Try doing a dejanews search Note: the news.software.nntp newsgroup is probably what you are interested in, and the "power search" feature can search particular newsgroups.
5. There are other collections of URLs around the Internet. See Collections of URLs about Usenet
6. Search the Internet using your search engine of choice. ( Who knows, you might get lucky!)
7. Inspect the Source code. The Usenet RKT for Developers is the place to look for guides and pointers to the code.
8. Ask in a newsgroup (news.software.nntp) or in the groups specific to your machine/OS.
(There are also other tips in the INN-FAQ for where to ask questions, including if you don't have working news.)
9. Consider Mib Software (coming later!)tools for managing news or consulting.
10. Cut down on your information overload by getting timely summaries of information related to INN, bug fixes, and more with a Usenet RKT subscription
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Copyright 1997, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting